“Weigh Up (2019)” was exhibited in the historic Laurie Grove Baths as part of Goldsmith MFA’s 2019 degree show.
This narrative installation investigates and reconstructs the ways in which we quantify the self. It moves past arithmetical ways of measurement, but rather delves into unconventional metrics that concern the body and emotions. How do we measure the seemingly immeasurable (the self and emotions) and what are the implications for objectivity and inherent bias therein? Measurement of the self makes us question the pillars of our identity. Can we measure how “good” we are as citizens, partners and friends?
The objects weighed up in tandem speak to measure of self against others. The curved floor and the crane allude to how comparisons are shaped by its structure. The installation perpetuates itself through glass wax melting onto the root ball, while continuously dissolving unto itself. The organ like root ball pulsates life into the installation.
“Weigh Up (2019)” also looks at the quantified self through the legend of the Monkey King in Chinese mythology. The Monkey King attempts to achieve longevity and supernatural powers through stealing immortal peaches from heaven's garden. The longevity peach holds a special place in Chinese mythology for its ability to grant immortality to humans when consumed.