Fault, Fraught, Freeze (2018)
“Fault, Fraught, Freeze” (2018) was a site specific installation, that was part of the group exhibition “Out on a Limb” with fellow Goldsmiths MFA artists Liselotte Klint and Avril Corroon. The exhibition was a one-day guerrilla install that took place in Broadway Fields, a municipal park in Deptford, South East London. The locality of “Out On a Limb” spoke to it’s own precarious construction: things go missing, rules are bent and obstacles trip up.
“Fault, Fraught, Freeze” (2017) confronted the idea of play and the anxiety of play through an obstacle courses with perilous outcomes. This obstacle course was built into the landscape of the park and explored the maladaptive neural response of freezing in the face of anxiety.