Lydia is a Hongkonger, working in London, concerned about the erosion of civil liberties, particularly regarding censorship of words and history. She works across installation, sculpture, video and writing.
Lydia’s practice investigates how identities and a sense of a place are maintained through political upheaval, especially when news and historical records are determined by political narratives rather than truth.
Turning to geomancy and cultural Chinese rituals including the magic of Taoism and Feng Shui, her current practice seeks to preserve histories and notions of identities through sculptural performances. These performances aspire to divine the past in a speculative future whilst memories are prohibited in the present.
Selected Exhibitions
Crab, Ascend! (2024) - Somers Gallery, London - Solo Exhibtion
Channelling: Studiomakers Commission (2023) - Frieze Art Fair, London - Group Commission
NO SMOKE WITHOUT _ _ _ (2022-2023) - 60 Conduit Street - Group Exhibition, supported by Hypha Studios
Gertrude Presents (2022) - Truman Brewery - Group Exhibtion
Crab, Alight! - Zygon Projects (2022) - Solo performance and documentation
Studio Maker's Award Show - Tiffany’s Flagship Store (2019) - Group Show
Goldsmiths MFA Degree Show (2019) - Group Show
“Stomach that Can Stomach You” - Deptford Creek (2019) - Group Show
Gold X - Deptford X (2018) - Group Show
Goldsmiths MFA Interim Show (2018) - Group Show
“Out on a Limb” - Broadway Fields (2018) - Group Show
"YA" - Annexed Industry (2017) - Solo Show
"Illuminate" - British Library (2012) - Group Show
"100 Years of Printmaking at CSM" - Lethaby Gallery (2012) - Group Show
"The Art of "Lost Words" Peninsula Arts Gallery (2011) - Group Show
"Illustration Awards Exhibition" – V&A Museum (2010) - Group Show
"MA Communication Design Degree Show" - Mall Galleries (2008) - Group Show
Master of Fine Arts - Goldsmiths (2019)
MA Communication Design (Illustration) - Central Saint Martin's (2008)
LLB Law - London School of Economics (2006)
© Lydia Wong 2023; all photos, text and video.